At Digital Optica, we are combining the latest in digital imaging and photometry with our innovative software to bring exciting new research instruments to the Astronomical Community. It is our mission to provide the tools and software to see past the stars.
Digital Optica....the future of seeing
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Don't take our word for it, go see what Uncle Rod has to say about the Autostar Bluetooth Adapter in his latest blog post.
Issue 595: A New Way to Autostar Part II

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new online store!! Just click the "SHOP" button in the top menu to go check out our latest astronomy accessories.

Watch this awesome coverage of NEAF 2023 by our friends at Astro Escape and check out our products starting at 8:30 in the video!!
We launched our new YouTube channel!! Please like and subscribe for new content featuring our upcoming line of astronomy products.
We have built the V3 prototype and will be discussing that and more with Practical Astrophotography Magazine. We are excited to discuss our imager and some details on where we are headed with this revolutionary technology, plus some new products soon to be available here. Hit the link and have a listen, and be sure to check back here for product updates.

Occulting Imager Beta V2
November 12th, 2020 Digital Optica
We have completed the design phase of our second beta version of the Occulting Imager and are ready to begin prototyping in the coming days. After fine tuning our photochromic lenses we have been able to redesign our device based on testing with our first device version, making it much closer to the end user product we plan to go into production on. With this new imager we plan to accomplish the necessary field testing of the unit and use that data to further refine our design into what we hope is the final production model.
Some specs on the V2 Beta Imager:
Internal projection lens equal to a 23mm eyepiece
1" CMOS imaging sensor
Patented photochromic lens and projection hardware
Imager to telescope helical focuser with SCT mounting threads
12 vdc power requirement to easily adapt to existing power supplies

Patents Granted
July 14th, 2020 Digital Optica
Digital Optica is excited to announce Patent issuance of our Digital Occulting Imager and software. U.S. Patent 10,715,741. This patent covers our innovative device and the control software to achieve a much higher level of deep-space research.
With this new technology, the ability to block any object in the sky is now at your command. Imagine the possibility of creating an eclipse of any object, in real time, all while actively recording your exposure data.
While the current pandemic and shutdown of many businesses has slowed progress, we have been able to move forward with the patent process, and subsequently granted patents for this project. This is a crucial step closer to our goal of a full spectrum launch of this device and the technology behind it. We look forward to the next phase of development and collaborating with the astronomy community to fine tune this extraordinary equipment.
Digital Optica is currently developing a working prototype and beta version of the device for field testing so stay tuned for more news from Digital Optica.
Revolutionary new device will digitally occult bright deep space objects allowing for unprecedented imaging
This digital occulting device can aid in the discovery and direct imaging of exoplanets
The design can be scaled up or down allowing every level of researcher, from the backyard astronomer to NASA, the ability to look further into space than ever before
Old Bridge, New Jersey based tech company, Digital Optica, has just announced their latest device aimed at accelerating the search for extra-solar planets. Their Digital Occulting Device, paired with a new proprietary control software, can give researchers the ability to block out the glare of planet hosting stars allowing direct imaging of extra-solar planets. The device and software can take live images and project selected objects to be blocked all while simultaneously recording the image data. This revolutionary process is capable of pinpoint accuracy and exacting occultation without any of the limitations inherent in the current occulting technologies in place.
While exoplanet research is at the forefront of focus, this device can also allow views deeper into the past than ever before. “With its exact occulting abilities, objects in deep space once masked by glare will now be visible. We hope to pave a new path to unprecedented research capabilities.” says Digital Optica engineers. “We have purposefully designed this device to be scaled up or down so it can be made available to every level of researcher from the backyard astronomer, to large land based telescopes, to even space based platforms.”
Imagine a pair of transitional lens glasses, where they darken in sunlight, except you can choose specific points to darken while leaving the rest clear. This is exactly how the Digital Occulting Device works, they are giving astronomers a digital sunshade. Digital Optica also points out the benefit of their device to NASA’s current extra-solar planetary research. “Our technology can be adapted to NASA’s space based platforms like the James Webb space telescope and any future projects NASA plans to launch.” This technology doesn’t stop there, according to company engineers, the device can and will be made available to users of small personal telescopes and larger ground based observatories as well.
Digital Optica has been granted Patent Pending status on their device and expect full Patent approval in the coming months. They are currently discussing licensing options to partner with industry leaders in this field to accommodate a full scale product release. Digital Optica CEO says, “We don’t want to hinder any one sect of the industry by not having this technology available to them so we are planning a full spectrum product release.”
For more information on the Digital Occulting device and for licensing inquiries, fill out the contact form below or follow us on Twitter.